The future of Community Pharmacy

by | Dec 19, 2013 | Behind the scenes, Blog, Community Pharmacy, Regulation

It’s December 2013 and NHS England has launched its Call to Action on community pharmacy by asking all those involved in healthcare their view on the future of the sector and the industry outlook.

It will be interesting to see the results and the proposed outcomes given the responses generated between now and March will shape the strategic framework of community pharmacy moving forward.  As more and more pharmacies suffer financial difficulties and the outlook remains gloomy pharmacies are still viewed by the market as a valuable asset.  Many pharmacies on the market sell in a relatively quick time frame and at rates above their economic value.  But is this the real life situation of a community pharmacy? Are we doing that well?

The call to action will include consultation with patients, stakeholders, commissioners and others relevant boides.  Contractors and LPCs will also have their chance to be heard.

What are your views?

We want to hear from community pharmacy owners as well as pharmacists (young and old) about their take on the industry.  But firstly, make sure you submit your views to NHS England before the deadline!

Comments can be sent to [email protected].



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