The move towards automation in Australia

by | Apr 27, 2015 | Blog

As pharmacies grow and become starter and integrate technology into the dispensing process, robotics pharmacies like Willach will continue to grow.  Statistics released this week from Willach show that they are on track to have 800 systems installed in Australia by the end of this week.  In a market where automation is expensive and relatively minor, this is a clear indication as to which way dispensing is moving.

The systems are a combination of Consis robotics and Fama systems and aim to streamline the dispensing process and better utilise dispensary floor space.

Obviously a pharmacy needs volume for such a system to be effective there are many arguments for the move to robotics including less dispensing errors, better use of staff time and better dispensing workflow.  There are arguments that the high costs can be recouped in many other ways however there is no definitive study.  Staff need to know how to best utilise the machines and must be trained to ensure maximisation of their potential capabilities.

As smaller pharmacies are bought up and amalgamated or in fact closed due to financial pressure, the future move towards automation is a real thing.

What’s your experience? Anything to add?


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