The new WDA(H)

by | Nov 13, 2013 | Blog, Pharmacy Suppliers

In a previous post, we discussed the impending changes to the Wholesale Dealer Licence (WL & WDL) and the transition through to the new Wholesale Distribution Authorisation (Human).

You should also have seen today’s post relating to the outcomes from recent MHRA inspections following the new guidelines and revised licence.

Following on from this and after receiving the brand new licence for a client in today’s post,  we can confirm that the transition has taken place. The existing WL Number attached to your licence has now been transferred across to a new WDA(H) Number and is the same number. On another note, the licence is now technically referred to as an authorisation.

It must also be noted that an additional condition of the authorisation is that that the authorisation is not transferable to another entity.

Whilst these are simple observations on the back of a new certificate in the mail, it serves as notice to a change in the times of wholesaling in general.  We welcome this change to the guidelines, terminology and conditions for wholesale dealing and look forward to a positive future.

If you have any comments, observations or queries in relation to the new WDA(H) then feel free to contact our office on 01252 302 342.



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