The Role of the Pharmacist  

by | Mar 16, 2015 | Blog

Again in Australia where the Federal Minister for Health has publicly stated she would like to see the skills and training of pharmacists utilised beyond the current usage levels.  The argument here being that by expanding the role of the pharmacist beyond traditional dispensing will be a win-win for both community pharmacy , the government and the overall well-being of the Australian public.

This concept in Australia is not new and continues the development of the role of the pharmacist and the services which they can deliver to patients in a retail pharmacy setting.  Many in the industry believe such an outlook will ensure the future of community pharmacy in its current state and will prove to be a key part of any future Community Pharmacy Agreement with the Government.

The development of the profession beyond dispensing and towards health service delivery will continue to be developed and supported by the Government with the aim not to replace doctors but fill any gaps in the market through identifying those services which can be delivered without the additional expertise of a doctor.

It seems Australians pharmacists will support the development of the role and in turn will protect the foundation of local health advice as upheld by community pharmacy.

What are your views here?

As a pharmacist, do you welcome the expansion of your role? Have you time to deliver such services?

Will doctors support the delivery of additional services via the community pharmacy outlet?

Tell us at [email protected]


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