“Thinking fast and Slow “by Daniel Kahneman

by | Aug 9, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy

As a fellow Pharmacist I tend to base my decisions mainly on system 2 thinking processes rather than system 1.

System 1 is intuitive and effortless and is often built on hunches.

System 2 requires work and it is based on deductive reasoning.

“Thinking fast and slow “has helped us at Pharmacy Consulting to think hard about what thinking fast “System 1” gets right and what, “System 2” thinks “System 1” gets wrong. It has helped us hone our project management skills and mitigate our customer’s fear of change.

Pharmacy Consulting can help their clients deal with the challenges facing them personally as a, pharmacist  by understanding how they think and in turn help them develop their pharmacy services so that they can provide “Best in class” patient centred services to help prepare their pharmacy for the future. Pharmacy Consulting can help pharmacy owners make the correct strategic decisions regarding the optimisation of the pharmacy profits, manage change, and mitigate the risks to their business in the process.

A good example of how Pharmacy Consulting puts this into practice is the work we do with ARX. When a client orders a robot from ARX, we work with the customer to project plan the changes required in the work flow of the pharmacy prior, during and after installation. This will insure the disruption to staff, patients, and customers due to the installation are minimised. The Pharmacy can then concentrate on reaping, the benefits of their robot with regards to space and time. Their investment will drive future business growth.

If you require help defining your pharmacy’s future strategy give us a call at Pharmacy Consulting today.


We appointed PCL to assist us with our new CQC compliance registration. From start to finish, they acted with professionalism and expertise; taking what at first seemed to be a tedious and daunting process and making it clear and easy to understand. Even after our successful registration, the consultant remained on hand to answer any outstanding questions and to ensure that we felt adequately prepared for a potential visit from the CQC. Having had such a positive experience, we have no hesitatio… Read more
Pharmacy developing patient services