Time for some Self-Assessment

by | Aug 30, 2023 | Blog, WDA(H)

No, it’s not tax return time but now that most of us have been able to take a break over the ‘summer(!?)’, this is a good opportunity to reflect on what we need to be better at. Self-improvement in many areas; fitness, mental health and nutrition is something all of us are at least aware of even if we struggle to fully engage. But we rarely hear about self-improvement in the work context unless it relates to status. But just as we might go on a new exercise regime or a new diet, spending time on improving professional performance reaps it’s own benefits. We should, by definition, be better at our jobs, more likely to succeed in tasks set and ultimately remove some stress from our work lives. And I am not necessarily talking about those fancy training courses, small changes can make a big difference.

It is not like weighing ourselves or realising how puffed out we get doing simple tasks, there may not be obvious prompts for action. So, unless you have had a run in with the boss, the starting point is often a conscious question to self, along the lines of ‘what do I need to be better at’ and ‘honestly, what are my weaknesses’. Let’s take an example. All holders of WDA’s, owners of pharmacies or holders of ISO certifications are required to undertake (and evidence) a number of regular and routine tasks such as management reviews, self-inspections, CPD and staff training. How often have we thought, ‘I am sure it must be time for the next monthly self-inspection?’, only to realise that it is six weeks since the last one. Many of us don’t like ‘admin’ and if we are honest find it difficult to keep on top of, but if we recognise this and/or admit it to ourselves, there are plenty of tools out there to help us. Any amount of training is unlikely to turn us into admin evangelists but we can get better at it. ‘Admin’ is never going to go away but we can make easier to manage and a bit less stressful.


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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