Tips to help minimise the spread of coronavirus

by | Mar 2, 2020 | Blog

  • “Fist bump” instead of shaking hands, you are less likely to pass on any germs from a quick tap
  • Avoid kissing peoples face
  • Avoid long hard handshakes
  • Avoid touching your face or anybody else’s face
  • Keep up to date, but do not panic.
  • Wash your hands more often and for longer than normal, take extra care to wash between the fingers and ensure that you hold your hands under the running water with your hands facing downwards to help wash off any bugs.
  • Sneeze into your elbow and not your hands if no tissue is available. You are less likely to touch any items with your elbow.
  • Remember when using your tissues  “Catch it! Bin it ! Kill it !”
  • Familiarise yourself with the symptoms of the coronavirus and if you exhibit them then seek the advice of your GP by telephone or ring the GP out of hours service
  • Buy a thermometer
  • Protect your vulnerable relatives, young children and elderly are at risk.
  • Symptoms are – Exhaustion, High temperature, initially leading to a dry cough and breathlessness once the virus spreads into the lungs
  • Avoid travelling to the high-risk areas, and if the travel is essential then ensure a facemask is worn and be prepared in case you are quarantined and not allowed to leave
  • Make more business calls by phone, or skype than face to face
  • Avoid huge public gatherings and crowded rush-hour tubes.
  • Boost your immune system, eat healthy foods and sleep well.


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