Travel Clinic

by | Mar 19, 2015 | Blog

Travel medicine has evolved out of a need to keep the traveler safe and healthy without destroying the joy of travelling.  Health professionals including pharmacists, GP’s and nurses are well placed to ensure that the traveler is well informed about the health risks and diseases that could occur during their stay abroad.

With more and more people travelling either on business, visiting family and friends, adventure etc the need for comprehensive travel advise is increasing all the time.

Vaccine preventable diseases are only the tip of the iceberg so as much as being able to administer vaccines is important a good knowledge in general travel health is essential.

Such care is provided predominantly in primary care settings in the UK, but also in private travel clinics, hospitals, schools, universities, occupational health settings, within the military and now in some pharmacies.

Have you considered setting up a travel clinic?

Contact us for help and advice in setting up, marketing and training. We can also provide you with the necessary PGD’s.


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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