Travel Clinic Farnborough Ltd

by | Feb 9, 2016 | Blog

After months of careful planning, bespoke training, and looking at the needs of both business travellers, holiday makers and gap year students we have launched our travel clinic in Farnborough.

Pharmacies are well placed to give the advice, however the appointments can be long and then queues will build up in the pharmacy. General Practitioners are often too busy to see the patients requiring travel advice. Appointments are scarce and not when the patients want them.  So we have launched with an open mind and are open from first thing in the morning until the evening giving you an opportunity to visit our team when you want to.

Our team are highly trained pharmacists and nurses and their competence checked before they practice with us and they work to our robust PGDs.

We take into consideration your risk factors, so be prepared to answer questions and remember small risks can escalate quickly in a hot country. Dehydration can become life threatening. Often on holiday people throw caution to the wind, forget to take medicines and precautions, and often eat and drink too much and forget to use their sun cream or mosquito repellent.

Medication, vaccines or malaria prophylaxis is only part of the tool box to keep our patients safe. We spend time with each client answering their questions and dispelling myths which people have picked up from friends and family members. “I never take my malaria tablets when I return form holiday and I am always fine “and “I always drink Gin and Tonic when I am on holiday and then I do not need to take any anti-malarial”.


Pharmacy Consulting has been performing consultancy work for Vygon for several years, during that time they have provided us with a very professional and efficient service. PCL helped Vygon obtain their original Wholesale Dealers Licence and have provided Responsible Person  (RP) support to our Quality Team ever since.  PCL guided us successfully through our MHRA inspection. More recently, Jackie delivered GDP update training sessions for me and my deputy when I started in my new role as Head … Read more
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