Twitter and Tweets

by | Nov 13, 2013 | Blog, Community Pharmacy

Do you tweet ? Do your customers tweet ? Would you  consider tweeting ? What do you think about it ?

I have asked many pharmacist and most do not tweet and often  feel it is not professional and would not tweet to try to drive customers to their pharmacy. I might have said the same a few years ago, however I am changing my views. Pharmacy customers are of all ages and even the older generation are tweeting !!

I took a photo at the pharmacy show in September and on my table and  the two tables either side of me all the delegates were texting and tweeting away throughout the session.  Customers are doing the same they tweet and are happy to send thanks to their pharmacist for delivering their medicines or giving good advice. The public, even after a huge campaign to try to discourage ordering medication from the internet, are getting braver. The sheer convenience of  a “Click and next day Deliver” service which is more rapid than the delivery service provided by the local pharmacy.  Often the local pharmacy will  only  deliver at limited times such as ” Between 2 pm  and 4 pm  on a Monday , Wednesday and Friday”!  Never on a Saturday or in the morning which our fickle new age customer will find too restrictive and will often happily pay for a before 10.30 am next day or Saturday delivery.  The new age customers like to e mail questions to their pharmacy and to skype the pharmacist. They like pharmacy newsletters and the tweets!  The internet pharmacists and doctors have names and become human and a  brand in their own right. Lloyds  “Dr Tom ”  is real is he not  ? And, I  bet he tweets?


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