Of course everyone has their own opinion of the health system here in the United Kingdom and where it could be improved, what else should be funded and where the system lets its patients down.  Almost all of us take an idealistic view where healthcare to the public should be more accessible and less costly.  Unfortunately for all, free healthcare is not an option here or anywhere in the world.

To appreciate the system we have, oftentimes we need to look abroad for examples of how other systems works.  And at this point I come to the point of this blog.

Follow this link to a New York Times article about current changes occurring in the USA under the President’s new health care law.

Referring to patients, the article talks about the issues faced by expanding the Medicaid program which is designed to get low income earners better access to primary healthcare.  In terms of service providers, it mentions the likelihood of being unable to meet the increased demand and the prohibitive funding given to take it on.  All in all, the system has improved to give more people access but it will only be as good as the providers can deliver.

Whilst not comparable to the system here, the articles provides a good reference point for the state of other healthcare systems in the world.  Whilst the model in the United States may not be one to replicate, it may in fact provide us with the assurance that the current system here works for the majority of the population.

Where are you from? What experience do you have?
What examples from other nations do you have?
Where do you feel our system lets us down?

Your opinions, thoughts and comments are welcomed and can be sent to [email protected].



Sandeep has a great knowledge of the subject “A good course”. Thanks. 24/04/2019 – Guy Spires from PRS distribution
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