Warehouse Licences (WL) & RP Training ?

by | Mar 3, 2013 | Blog, Community Pharmacy

Warehouse Licence  do you  have one ? Are you thinking of becoming a MHRA RP or

applying for a WL ? What  training do you have to complete to be a MHRA RP ? Do you have

the  experience required at the currently? Do you need to  have WL for what  you  do currently?

Is it worth the cost and effort? Do  you  meet the criteria? Is your warehouse suitable?

If you would like more information please contact [email protected] for an

informal discussion. Or you may want to find out more about GDP and the Roles and

Responsibilities  of a” MHRA RP “?

The best way is to book a place on the next Pharmacy Consulting RP Training Course in

London on the 2nd of May 2013 or 5th of June.

Check the website for dates www.pharmacyconsulting.co.uk


“Good training, has given me more insight as an RP. Would recommend new RP’s to have this training.” Matthew – Course Rating 10/10
GDP & RP Training