Warehouse temperature mapping for winter

by | Aug 18, 2020 | Blog

When did you last mapped your warehouse? Summer is nearly over and we can expect fairly cold weather for winter. A warehouse should be mapped every 18 months to be able to comply with GDP. Why 18months? As you will map during summer and winter then you can spot the hot and cold spots.  By mapping your warehouse you have the control over your products` requirements and if any of the mapping equipment of yours faulty or temperature excursion occur you can act immediately and your products stay safe.

When mapping ensure the followings:

  • Data loggers are calibrated according to your products and certificates are valid
  • You have the right amount of data logger to find the hot and cold spots
  • Have your plan ready, how long you will map and where you place your loggers.

If you would like PCL to do the mapping of your warehouse please do not hesitate to contact us.


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