Warm and Fuzzy

by | Mar 13, 2015 | Blog

It’s Red Nose Day and today is a day to be genuinely proud to be British. Last year’s Sport Relief raised £71.8m, that’s almost exactly £1 for every man, woman and child in the country, pretty amazing considering we are just emerging from one of the deepest and longest recessions in our history.

Driving in to work this morning, details were being given about Peter Kay’s fund raising Phoenix Nights tour. This has involved all the original cast giving their services for free across 16 shows and played to nearly 200,000 people. And the total raised so far over £5million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The causes that have benefited from these events over the years have improved countless lives, and seeing how even the smallest donation can do such amazing things shows that we can all get meaningfully involved, whatever our situation.


Happy giving.


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