Well this Trump may not win the game nor boost flagging Pharmacy morale.

by | Apr 8, 2016 | Blog

Mr Trump has suggested that he was the only candidate capable of uniting the UK pharmacy profession, adding: “If those clowns in the Department of Health can’t get their policies right, you can count on Donald J Trump to make you proud of your profession again.”

It is true that pharmacy morale is at rock bottom and margins are tight, but all is not lost as this is the fact for many types of businesses and professions ! All are having to tighten their belt and assure the their business are safe. Minimum wages are rising margins are being squeezed. Independents are selling out to the multiples and the wider choice of pharmacy goods is going as pharmacy back walls of the multiples mirror each other. Consultations rooms are full of people wishing Flu jabs and MURs and meanwhile people are getting restless outside waiting for their prescriptions to be checked by the pharmacist…..our own industry leaders are not able to lift morale so should we consider Mr Trump ? If he could make pharmacists proud of their profession I would vote for him !  But I am  afraid his attitude to women and other countries and his outlandish style would lead me to hope that Mr Trump will not be able to deliver on this latest statement. That said I wish we could find a way to make pharmacists other healthcare professional and the public proud of their profession.

Written by Jackie Peck


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