What constitutes a “bona fide”?

by | May 11, 2014 | Behind the scenes, Blog, Pharmacy Brands, Pharmacy Suppliers


Genuine; real.


Without intention to deceive.


Good faith; absence of fraud


It is a crazy world, in the last year I have been asked during training ….what is a bona fides?  How do you check a suppliers bona fides?

We go into great detail to explain and to insist that they get all the pages and have the documents translated and check the competent authority’s website to ensure it is not a forgery etc…….

As a contract RP we are sometimes asked to give client’s customers or suppliers a copy of their wholesale dealers licence or WDA or GDP certificate. This week I was asked to send a copy of the client’s application form that we submitted to the MHRA to a supplier. It made me chuckle and I did retort by asking for a copy of their SOP titled “Customer Verification”?

How often would you check your customers or supplier bona fides? One client told me this week that they had been told by an inspector to check them every two weeks?  We normally recommend before you order from a new supplier or supply a new customer and every three months but maybe this is not enough?

Tell us what you think?

In an ideal world we would check every time, however time does not allow this in a pharmacy or in a warehouse


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