What do Chaperones do?

by | Oct 9, 2015 | Blog

Please ensure your chaperones are trained as they may be called upon to do any of the following …….


  • Providing emotional comfort and reassurance to patients
  • To assist in the examination, for example carrying out blood pressure checks or blood tests
  • To act as an interpreter
  • To provide protection to healthcare professionals against unfounded allegations of improper behaviour
  • In very rare circumstances to protect the healthcare professional against an aggressive incident
  • An experienced chaperone will identify unusual or unacceptable behaviour on the part of the healthcare professional.
  • It is wise to gain an understanding from the chaperone as to what they see their role as.
  • A chaperone is present as a safeguard for all parties (patient, practitioners and healthcare professional ) and is a witness to continuing consent of the procedure however, a chaperone cannot be a guarantee of protection for either the examiner or examinee.


Written by Jackie Peck


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