What is a Self-Inspection or Internal Audit?

by | Mar 12, 2014 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Brands, Pharmacy Suppliers

If you hold a Wholesale Distribution Authorisation (previously Wholesale Dealer’s Licence) you must have a programme in place for self-inspections.

Self-Inspections/Internal Audits are intended to be a tool that enables companies to check their own activities, procedures and processes (Quality System), relating to Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and the regulations, are being carried out correctly and remain compliant.

These audits are to be conducted by dedicated, competent personnel.

Pharmacy Consulting Limited offer Quality Systems Audit Training based on the requirements of GDP that will help your internal auditors plan, conduct, report and review the outcomes of their audits.

Please contact us for details of our Training Courses on 01252 302342.



” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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