Wholesale Dealer or Distributor? Wholesale Licence or Authorisation?

by | May 12, 2014 | Blog

Which one do you have?

I know we now have to have a wholesale distribution authorisation (WDA ) to wholesale medicines but I still find myself saying wholesale dealers licence and wholesale dealers authorisation.

Why the change?

We have to come into line with the rest of Europe and this will help to streamline everything eventually, once they have all been issued.

So when do pharmacies need to have one?

The MHRA issued an update to say that if a pharmacy sold or supplied by way of wholesale a medicine on a very occasional basis then this would not require a WDA. This is as a result of some doctors not being able to find a pharmacy to supply them a medicine for their “Doctors bag”.  This does make perfect sense. However a pharmacy must not supply a wholesaler with medicines without a WDA.

Are you applying for a WDA? Or do you need to?

Call me 01252 302342 for some guidance and to see how we can help.



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