Buying Medicines – have you done your homework? Who are you buying from?

by | Jan 13, 2015 | Bona Fides

Last year the MHRA closed over 1600 websites that were illegally advertising and selling medicines. The medicines in question were deemed falsified, counterfeit or unlicensed in nature. As well as seizing falsified medicines with a value of over £3 million. The safety of the patient is paramount. The new guidelines for the distribution of medicines call for an enhanced Bona Fides Check!

Do you know who your supplier is?

Have you carried out your bona fides?

Does your supplier have a WDA(h) or MA?

Can they provide you with a copy?

Can you verify it is valid?

If you answered no to any of the above you need help!

PCL have a wealth of experience in carrying out Bona Fides checks on Suppliers Contact us now for advice on 01252 302 342

Kim Peck


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