Don’t bury your head in the sand- check your supplier bona fides!!!

by | Feb 12, 2015 | Bona Fides

A man has been given a 4 month prison sentence at Southwark Crown Court, suspended for 2 years, for the sale and supply of unlicensed erectile dysfunction drug!
If you sell illegal unlicensed medicines you are endangering public health and the MHRA will actively seek you out and you will be prosecuted.
Buying medicines through unregulated sources can put you at serious risk as you have no idea what you are getting and how it will affect you.
During this investigation alone the officers from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) seized over 2,600 individual doses of unlicensed medicines valued at over £4,000.

Do you know who your supplier is?
Have you carried out your bona fides?
Does your supplier have a WDA(h) or MA?
Can they provide you with a copy?
Can you verify it is valid?
If you answered no to any of the above you need help!

PCL have a wealth of experience in carrying out Bona Fides checks on Suppliers.

Contact us now for advice on 01252 302 342


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