Brexit – The evidence against is building and time is running out !

by | Oct 3, 2018 | Brexit

In June BMA representatives voted by a large majority against Brexit, they called for a public vote on any exit deal, yet apart from a few brave souls, many do not voice their opinions. But there is evidence pilling up that Brexit rather than filling the NHS coffers with many millions, as was muted by “Brexiteers”,  who blatantly displayed it on their campaign bus, it will have a deleterious effect on the NHS and the health of the nation. Some doctors have resorted to twitter to express their concerns about medicine shortages and the effect it is having on their patients care.

The effect on the NHS is multi-faceted. The economy has shrunk since Brexit, and a shrinkage of just 0.8% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP- the other GDP for all you WDA holders !) would wipe out the gain of not paying into the EU coffers. The cost to run the NHS grows each year and their finances are already precarious.

Another key area of concern is staffing the NHS as very few EU professionals are coming to the UK to work in the NHS due to the uncertainty.  There are huge numbers of vacancies in the NHS which are currently being filled with more expensive agency staff.

The drop in the value of the pound against the dollar and the euro means that the replenishment cost of medicines is higher and budgets do not go as far.

A hard Irish border, which in the past was manned by armed border control, will not help medical professionals who need to cross the border every day as part of their commute to work.

But the biggest threat of all is the reduced ability to fight the illegal drugs trade. If the UK is not able to access the European Medicines Verification data base EMVO or the European Monitoring Centre from Drugs and Drugs Addiction (EMCDDA)  then wholesalers, hospitals and pharmacies will not be able to verify the medicines they currently procure from Europe are safe to use. They may only have access to the national database ( NMVO). It will weaken the new amendment to The Human Medicines (Amendment) Regulations 2019 intended to help UK and the member states fight the battle against falsified medicines reaching the normal supply chain.

The EMCDDA currently helps the UK regulatory authorities to protect public health from the trade of illicit substances and organised crime.   IT helps the UK and the other member states  to understand the European drug situation and to develop policies and carry out effective interventions.


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