Staff shortages in the NHS: Has Brexit Helped?

by | Nov 29, 2016 | Blog, Brexit, NHS

So, there we have it! Another NHS crisis looming afore us.  As reported by the Chief Executive of NHS Providers, Chris Hopson, “We are in the middle of the longest and deepest financial squeeze in NHS history with four years of much lower funding increases on the horizon and no plan on how to cope with them ….” Coupled with this only one quarter of trusts have reported having the right staffing numbers and skill mix to meet the rising demand of healthcare.

we knew the financial squeeze will never leave us anytime soon, but where have all our crucial healthcare staff gone?

The reality of healthcare demands, patient choice, safety, autonomy, informed decision making, any other patient rights, Human Rights and everything else I have missed out, is no easy challenge to meet.  Staff coping mechanisms and support network must be provided to keep the levels of staff up and maintained.

Today’s news feature indicates an overseas recruitment drive! However, Brexit has seen a reduction in recruitment from the rest of Europe.

So have we answered our problems with Brexit or have we created more?


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