by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Oct 4, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
Would you like to submit a tender for a LPS? Has there been a gap in pharmaceutical services shown up in your Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)?It may be that the GPs are opening longer hours and the pharmacies locally do not stay open until they close? Or some...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Oct 4, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
Pharmacy Consulting has just come back from the Pharmacy Show. We were very impressed by the fantastic robots on display, each year the stands get bigger and bigger. ARX , who have captured the market so far with nearly 300 installed in the UK alone , had their new...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Oct 4, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Suppliers
Do you have anybody in your Team who would benefit from some GDP training? Pharmacy Consulting believe in helping their clients develop and nurture their own team. Pharmacy Consulting have an ” Introduction to GDP and RP roles and responsibilities”...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Oct 4, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
Pharmacy consulting are concerned for the future of some of the smaller community pharmacies as the next phase of clawback kicks in and the bottom line profit takes another hit. It is time to take stock and to look at how your business operates now and what you can...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Sep 13, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Suppliers
Pharmacy Consulting have been asked at an inspection, if the WL holder had tracked the temperature of their orders? This was a an ambient licence holder and they do not wholesale any product requiring chill chain storage during transit. Our client has now tracked a...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Sep 13, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Suppliers
Do you have a web site, are you planning a digital marketing campaign? What would you take into consideration? Where would you focus your efforts? Pharmacy Consulting would suggest that some qualitative and quantitative analysis exploring patients and client...