by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Sep 13, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
Have you audited your IG documentation and processes? Pharmacies will be required to make another online declaration by the end of March 2013? Did you leave unfinished work at the time of your last declaration? Do not leave it to the last moment, conduct an audit,...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Sep 13, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
Meaningful Use Pharmacy Consulting have been watching with the interest the American investments in “HIT “Health Information Technology, and mandatory adoption of “EHR” Electronic Health Records, and the provision of resources for the Meaningful-Use initiative,...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Sep 13, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
Apps in Healthcare will help Pharmacists to optimise patients medications. Apps can help companies to cement a positive digital brand; thus enhancing their image and facilitating a collaborative relationship with customers and patients. Apps such as “Well Doc’s...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Aug 9, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
Pharmacy must shift from a product centric delivery culture to a customer and service centred culture. Pharmacy will succeed or fail in the future based on how well their services improve health outcomes. Pharmacy must see itself not as “A supplier of medicines” but...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Aug 9, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
“100 Hour “ Pharmacies will not be a threat in the future however, do you feel under threat from a new pharmacy, possibly a “100 Hour”, jointly owned by the GPs in your nearest practice. What are you planning to do to mitigate the risk to your pharmacy’s goodwill?...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Aug 9, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy
As a fellow Pharmacist I tend to base my decisions mainly on system 2 thinking processes rather than system 1. System 1 is intuitive and effortless and is often built on hunches. System 2 requires work and it is based on deductive reasoning. “Thinking fast and slow...