Termination of Licence, Authorisation or Registration
For the distribution of medicines and healthcare products, a licence, authorisation or registration is required depending on the type of activity.
For the distribution of medicines and healthcare products, a licence, authorisation or registration is required depending on the type of activity.
UK licensed medicinal products and the challenges of exporting – Many clients contact us for information and help on expanding the scope of their WDA license to include the export UK licensed medicinal products without necessarily understanding the challenges of exporting UK licensed medicinal products.
Becoming a Pharmaceutical Wholesale Dealer – Many new clients contact us for information and help on setting up a new business as a Pharmaceutical Wholesale Dealer.
As Great Britain (GB) are no longer part of the European Union (EU) since the 1st of January 2021 exit date. It is essential to ensure all the necessary changes have been made to remain MHRA compliant.