The Need for a Wholesale Distribution Authorisation for Medicinal Products – WDA

Wholesale Dealers Licence (WDL or WL) has been replaced by Wholesale Distribution Authorisation (WDA). Anyone in the UK who procures, stores or supplies medicines (including export) must apply to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for an Authorisation.  There are two types of Authorisation that can be obtained, depending upon the intended use of the medicinal products you wish to distribute, Human or Veterinary. Any company or individual wishing to wholesale deal (defined as selling, supplying or procuring to anyone other than the end-user) medicinal products within the EU must hold a WDA. As a result of the Falsified Medicines Directive (2011/62/eu) that came into force in January 2013, the GDP Guidelines were updated and replaced with the Guidelines of 5 November 2013 on Good Distribution Practice of medicinal products for human use (2013/C 343/1). WDA applications or variations are now made via the MHRA portal.

Why Consider Us for WDA?

Pharmacy Consulting Limited has been offering services to new UK Medicinal Wholesale Distributors since 2006. We offer a ‘one stop shop’ consultancy on how to comply with the current guidelines, apply for an authorisation or a variation to an existing authorisation. Companies wishing to become Wholesale Distributors of Medicines (including pharmacies) need to apply to the MHRA to obtain a Wholesale Distribution Authorisation covering the category, or categories of medicines they wish to distribute. If they also intend to import medicines the appropriate type of licence application must be made relevant to the source country/ies from which such medicines will come. Before making an application, applicants need to have suitable secure premises for the storage of medicines and have developed a set of written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that detail exactly how the various company medicines handling processes and procedures will work.  These must comply with Good Distribution Practice (GDP) guidelines for medicines. We can advise on premise requirements and suitability and help customers to prepare a set of suitable Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).  We also send our Senior Consultant along to the MHRA Pre-licensing Inspection to help with questions from the MHRA Inspector. For further information contact us.



Case Studies

Please click on the links below to view full details of each case study.


Having just completed the very informative API and Clinical Trail course (thank you Shankar) I was reminded of the traps we can fall into whereby we try to keep ourselves in our little boxes. At the MHRA symposium, I have heard several times comments such as:- “no, I’m not doing the GMP day as it’s not relevant to me” or “GDP? Oh, that doesn’t apply to us as we are manufacturers”. I am sure these comments were made well out of the earshot of MHRA personnel and on the face of it seem harmless enough, though clearly wrong. I truly believe that we should all expand our knowledge and understanding as much as possible, and certainly where there are crossovers with our speciality. For a Pharmacist or wholesaler, knowing more about GMP, APIs and Clinical Trials must be useful in our ability to fulfil our obligations in our own field. Yes, some aspects of GMP are very technical but there are big parts of it that can be used positively in the GDP arena. As my exasperated tutors used to say during my pharmacy degree, “you will only get the most out of the topic and excel, if you read around the subject”.
API and Clinical Trails Training