Would your business benefit from applying a lean process?

by | Feb 5, 2015 | Pharmacy Automation

What is lean management?

Lean management is a long term approach applied to a business systematically implementing small changes in the current processes to improve efficiency and quality and reduce the wastage. The result of which is to maximise customer value whilst using fewer resources.

Five principles of lean

  • Identify value

Looking through the customers eyes what parts of your business add value to the end user.

The recognition of the small fraction of your business that benefits the end user is the first stage of the lean process. All the processes carried out that do not add value to the end user are wasteful and should be minimised or removed.

  • Identify the value stream from start to end user

You will need to map the value process of the product or service you provide to the end user. By mapping the process you can see the exact process that adds value to the customer. This also will help you identify processes that are wasteful or not relevant to the customer. By looking at this process you can apply a fish eye view to your business and are able to identify areas where improvement or streamlining is required.

  • Creation of flow that eliminates waste

This part of the process is waste focused where you are using resources unnecessarily. You take the value stream from above and apply a creating value approach. From start to end user you only apply the processes that add value to the end user therefore, removing wasteful actions that are using up your resources.  The end result is obtaining a continuous flow of value.

  • Responding to the customer pull

Using the responses from your customers you need to analyse and evaluate the customer pull and demand. This means you keep the customer at the heart of your business and you adjust your process flow accordingly.

  • Hunting perfection

By taking each individual process of your business and applying the flow and pull principles. You begin to gain an overview of the areas of waste as they become more apparent which can be reduced or removed completely. Thus your business processes begin to run with value at the heart of every function.


By applying these principles you are driving your business towards an organisational strategy that assesses and reviews your processes continually to ensure your business is constantly and consistently delivering value to your customer. This allows you to develop your business whilst maintaining the high level of service.


The 7 identifiable wastes to bear in mind throughout the process are:

  • Over-production
  • Inventory
  • Waiting
  • Motion
  • Transportation
  • Rework
  • Over processing



If you are looking for some advice on the lean process or accessing your business contact us on 01252 302 342


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