Licence Holder Training

Is your licence holder fully aware of their responsibilities? 

Whilst it is common knowledge that the Responsible Person has a lot of responsibilities when named on the licence, the Licence holder is also named on the licence and also has responsibilities.

In some cases the Licence Holder may be someone in management who is a little more removed from the day to day activities of the business. The MHRA will expect to see the licence holder at the inspection, and they will expect them to know all their responsibilities.

We offer a short training session which has been created specifically for licence holders.  We look at the legislation and what it means for the licence holder. 


Do you know your responsibilities as the Licence Holder?

When you have an MHRA inspection, the inspectors will be expecting you to know all your responsibilities as the licence holder. 

This course details your responsibilities, and has been designed for higher level managers and directors in the  industry who may not be directly involved in the day to day running of the warehouse, to help them to obtain a more in-depth understanding of their roles and responsibilities as the licence holder.

Licence Holder Training Includes

During the course we will cover, but will not be limited to the key subject areas listed below.

  • Responsibilities of the Licence Holder
  • Responsibilities of the RP
  • Comparison between the responsibilities of the Licence Holder and the RP
  • Tasks which are the Licence Holder’s specific responsibility 

Our Licence Holder Training is a 2 hour session that is hosted by one of our RPs in a small group.

Upcoming Courses


“Excellent from start to finish – 5 stars!”  Cogent Online Training – February 2021
Cogent - February 2021

Get In Touch


Head Office


Wellesley House
10 Eelmoor Road
GU14 7QN

VAT Reg. No GB842081055
Company Reg. No. 4469518

Phone: 01252 375362