Quorum sensing and antibiotic resistance

Quorum sensing and antibiotic resistance

Quorum sensing is a communication pathway found in high-density bacterial colonies, such as in biofilms. Quorum sensing is named after a quorum, the minimum number of people required to hold a meeting or reach a decision. It is so named because it functions by...
Topical Steroid Withdrawal – Fact or Fiction?

Topical Steroid Withdrawal – Fact or Fiction?

Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) has become a sensational topic on the internet and other forms of media. TSW is a side effect of topical corticosteroid use. Topical corticosteroids are used to treat eczema, psoriasis and contact dermatitis.

Unculturable soil bacteria and novel antibiotics

Unculturable soil bacteria and novel antibiotics

Unculturable soil bacteria is a misleading term, as these bacteria hypothetically can be cultured. More accurately, ‘unculturable’ bacteria cannot be cultured using traditional techniques, such as traditional agars. These unknown bacteria are a potential untouched pool of medically useful secondary metabolites, such as antibiotics.

Compliance Monitoring Process the MHRA’s new role

Compliance Monitoring Process the MHRA’s new role

Compliance Monitoring Process – from April this year the MHRA are piloting a different approach to the monitoring of companies that are referred to the MHRA’s IAG (Inspection Action Group) for failure to comply with the standards of Good Manufacturing Practice or Good Distribution Practice.