EMVO announced their office is moving!
EMVO announced their office is moving to a new address!
EMVO announced their office is moving to a new address!
When did you last review your QTAs?
Many hours are spent to gain agreement on the finer details
in your agreements as part of the on-boarding and approval process of a supplier or customer and once they are mutually agreed signed and dated by both parties they come into effect.
In 2019 many companies were suspended for trading falsified medicines and were victims of fraud.
Cannabidiol and Clobazam can be prescribed to treat paediatric patients with seizures associated with Dravets or Lennox-Gastaut syndromes The latest guidance from National Institute for Health and Care Excellence “NICE”
The way the public is influenced is aided by technologies which facilitate messages to be spread at speed, and people trust the medias and or people who deliver the message often without question. They often sign up to follow their newfound friend who is now their trusted expert. People join groups and sign up to blogs and alerts and rarely question the bona fides.
European Medicines Agency EMA has given positive advice about granting a license for the first vaccine against the Ebola virus called Ervebo.
Here at Pharmacy Consulting, we offer Cogent & GDP update training every month at our Head Office and in Birmingham. Our courses cover the basics and the most recent updates given by the MHRA.
MSC Gülsün announced that their first 23.000+teu vessel Container Ship has completed its landmark from Asia to Europe. This new container ship is built to have the largest capacity and be able to produce low CO2 emission to be environment friendly by lowering the carbon footprint during the supply chain.
A probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action