
If you were lucky enough to own a helicopter, would you take it to the local garage for a service as opposed to a helicopter specialist? Given the complexity and the consequences of the job not being done properly my guess is the answer would be no. Similarly I am not...

MHRA Process Licensing Portal

Do you want to become a WDA holder? Do you need help with the application process? Do you need to add a variation to your licence? Do you need to apply for EU Common Logo for your company? The use of the portal is not simple, but PCL can provide you help with any of...

Brexit and NHS

The full impact of Brexit may not be known for years to come, but it is clear the implications it has for healthcare in the UK and Europe. A survey of EU doctors by BMA found 42% of EU doctors admitted to considering leaving the UK as a result of the Brexit vote. The...

Are you a Charity? Do you procure, hold, supply, or export medicines? You need to have a wholesale distribution licence (WDA) if you are based in the UK.

You may have been supplied with medicines in the past by suppliers or organisations who sell or donate the medicines to you, however, if you are to ensure the supply chain is compliant and legal you must obtain a WDA. Where do you start? The first thing you need to do...