Former NPA chief: ‘Inevitable’ that Call to Action would be ignored

by | Dec 22, 2014 | NHS, Pharmacist, Regulation


No I am not banging my head against the desk for the obvious reason; pharmacy appearing to have been left on the side lines again.

Don’t get me wrong, I think the NHS is fantastic and like all of us have personal experiences of a health service that is free to all, irrespective of your personal circumstances or the cost of the treatment you need. It is truly one of the wonders of living in the UK.

BUT Mike Holden’s comments highlight yet again what I personally see as the biggest missed opportunity in the NHS; that is a failure to join all the dots. The most successful businesses find a way of breaking down barriers between functions, of removing the silo mentality and creating an engrained common purpose across the whole organisation. Ask anyone working in the NHS and I am sure everyone would say that there is common purpose and that is the ‘do the very best for each and every patient’, but without truly doing the first two things any organisation is at risk of failing to deliver to its full potential.

Johh Finey


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