The experience of the 50+ generation and the enthusiasm of youth are unstoppable!

by | Sep 26, 2018 | Uncategorized

The 50 something? I hate to admit elderly team members may not be able to compete with the knowledge of the younger team members who have vast digital intelligence. However, we tend to be the generation with more emotional intelligence and experience led judgement. One of the most used phrases in our office is “Every day is a school day“. To be a responsible person (RP) for a wholesaler now this is true. The role is ever evolving and the need to collaborate not just with commercial team but with all the different departments in the business is essential to fulfil the role. Young RP’s will have to draw on the experience of the more experienced team members for support, judgement, empathy and to help with key quality issues such as change control, risk assessments, deviations, complaints and CAPA. They may understand everything about serialisation and GS1 bar coding but not about the impact of a change or risk to the business of a small change in procedure.

Collaboration, good communication and teamwork drawing on everyone’s strengths is a very powerful. It could be that the RP is the experienced team member and the other departments have new young departments heads, however the principal is the same. Look at your team and assess their strengths and work  together to make your organisation stronger and more effective.


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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