Advertising Prescription Only Medicines (POM): Do you know the rules?

by | Mar 14, 2025 | Blog, Pharmacy

Are you advertising Prescription Only Medicines (POM) utilising a prescribing service? Do you know it is illegal to advertise a POM?

The Advertising Standards Agency issues a warning in December to all businesses that targeted the public with weight loss adverts using POMs as a solution. They have launched a cross-organisational project to monitor, investigate, and enforce sanctions to identify and tackle the non-compliance. This is an area that creates a significant and clear risk of harm from irresponsible adverts. Whilst this is a targeted effort towards the weight loss market there are many fields that advertise POMs when they shouldn’t be, this is compounded when the product provided is being used in an off licence manner.

So, what are the rules:

In simple terms, do not advertise a Prescription Only Medicine. A POM has been categorised as such to ensure control the supply of the medicine and as such can not be supplied to an end user without being prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional and it is within their scope of practice to prescribe.

Do’s and don’ts:

Don’t advertise the product

Advertise the service or consultation not the product itself

Set up your website so patients are unable to choose their own treatment

Don’t use irresponsible imagery or claims, no before/after photos

Don’t make specific claims about the product that has not been verified such as you can loss this much weight in two weeks

Don’t feature celebrity or specific healthcare professional endorsements

Clear and precise pricing, offers or discounts can be as influencing the patient which is illegal

When providing medical information ensure it is factual, including risk and benefits and in-line with the product specifications

For further guidance reviewing the blue guide released by the MHRA. Do you utilise a website to advertise a prescribing service?

Do you want some help to ensure you do not contravene the advertising rules and legislation? Contact Pharmacy Consulting now


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