FPM Annual Symposium 2021
Winner of the 2021 Stonier Prize, Dr Fraser Peck presents at the FMP Annual Symposium…
Winner of the 2021 Stonier Prize, Dr Fraser Peck presents at the FMP Annual Symposium…
Pregabalin has been removed from the Northern Ireland (NI) Formulary for neuropathic pain due to an increased number of deaths.
The last four years for pharmaceutical wholesalers have been tough, uncertain demand and outcomes, bumpy supply chains, uncertain of the changes in regulations ahead, staff shortages have added to the risks already in the business model.
People often tell us that they cannot audit when they come on our course. This is not true they must just look at things differently. They must do their homework to ensure that they know what they are auditing and why.
In all the noise over the past year regarding Covid 19, children have been affected the most, they may have been the least affected by the virus itself but they have suffered disproportionately from lockdown.