Are you happy with the results?

Over the years we have seen the world of pharmacy evolve from that of ‘Dispense and Supply’ to include an ever expanding range of clinical services, (medicines management, local enhanced services such as vascular checks, managing minor ailments and sexual healthcare...

The MHRA Inspection Build-Up

Never has the corny old adage “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” – so glibly used at times – been more wholly appropriate than for the build-up to an MHRA Inspection. It’s a demanding process requiring detailed attention, comprehensive descriptions, staff inclusion...

Not all flu vaccines are equal

For years, flu vaccines were designed to protect against three different flu viruses (trivalent). This included two influenza A viruses and one B virus. Experts had to choose one B virus, even though there are two very different lineages of B viruses that both...

GP’s and Pharmacists, time to work together!

With current and future shortfall in GP and nurse numbers, pharmacists are ideally placed to support their fellow professionals and improve the quality of care for patients. In a joint statement from the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the Royal...

Before you REACH for your CHIPS get the SDS

In a recent case a supplier of biologically active products for clinical trials was reported to the HSE for not supplying Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to their client. Under the CHIP or Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002, suppliers...