Defective Medicinal Products and Recall Management Guidance
The main concerns with regard to possible defects of medicinal products and the substances used in their manufacture or packaging.
NGO and NPO differences
NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organisation and NPO stands for Non-Profit Organisation. NGOs are created by legal persons who do not belong to the government.
Medicinal products seized by MHRA worth just under £1,000,000
Medicinal products seized within the week running from the 23rd-30th June, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) seized 285,000 medicines and medical devices which were valued at almost £1,000,000.
Black market drugs purchased to treat COVID-19
Black market drugs have been a major threat to public health and since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, this hasn’t changed. In the early stages of the pandemic when vaccines and other antivirals were being tested in clinical trials, there was a demand for effective covid treatments. This provided an opportunity for criminals and illegal businesses to make a profit by selling purported treatments at an extortionate price.
Monkeypox outbreak hitting the UK
At present there is a large outbreak of Monkeypox in many European countries including the UK who had its first case in May 2022.
Exam Chaos GPhC Offering a Big Apology
Exam chaos on Wednesday the 29th of June, 2700 trainee pharmacists sat the GPhC pre reg exam and unfortunately for some, this was a stressful and chaotic day due to IT failures causing serve delays.
Warning for Online Prescribing Pharmacists Working in the Private Sector
Warnings for online prescribing pharmacist, the PDA have again sent an urgent alert to prescribing pharmacists working remotely for online pharmacies who use a questionnaire-based model which usually has no direct patient and prescriber interaction.
Sunscreens how do they work
Sunscreens and how they work, as the summer rolls in, it is important to remember to protect ourselves from the sun as well as enjoy it.
Understanding GPhC Guidance for Online Pharmacies – Online Training
Our Understanding GPhC Guidance for Online Pharmacies – Online Training will give you an overview of the GPhC and CQC guidance governing online pharmacy businesses.
Import Licensed Human Medicine(s) to the United Kingdom (UK) – Guidance
Import Licensed Human Medicine – Prior to importation of a licensed medicine applications for the relevant Licence(s) must be completed and submitted which may include one or more of the following:
Import Unlicensed Human Medicine(s) to the United Kingdom (UK) – guidance
An Introduced Product is an unlicensed medicine which can be imported from a country other than an approved country for import to be exported to a country other than an approved country for import, or if imported from a non-EEA country into Northern Ireland for export back to a country outside the EEA.
GPhC Inspections: Common trends
GPhC Inspections: Common trends 6 months into 2022, this blog takes a look at the common trends identified from inspections carried out this year.