Refrigerated Medicinal Products – what to consider…
How do you manage YOUR refrigerated medicinal products? Check out 10 key points to ensure you are shipping your products effectively
Toll Manufacturing or Contract Manufacturing which one should you choose?
It is difficult to determine which process is better of the two- Toll Manufacturing or Contract Manufacturing.
What is a Stringent Regulatory Authority?
“Stringent Regulatory Authority or SRA” is a term that was developed by the WHO Secretariat and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Global crackdown of illicit medicines and medical devices
The MHRA reported today on a global operation which took place at the end of May. See the full report here Co-ordinated by Interpol, the 14th "Operation Pangea" saw over 100 countries joining force. 3 Million illicit medicines were seized valued at £9 million in the...
Are you importing Medicines?
Are you importing medicines? Find out about the role of the RPi – Responsible Person (imports) – in our intro to the role training session….
Are you looking to sell your Licence
Are you looking to sell your WDA & Home Office licence? If you are please contact us on 01252 375362 and we can help with your sale.
Canada and UK Trade Continuity Agreement enters into force
A UK-Canada Trade Continuity Agreement entered into force 01/04/21. The two countries will continue to recognise each others GMP Certificates
Cogent Gold Standard Responsible Person Training
With the ever-changing climate around us, there is a lot of information to take in.
Are you decommissioning products with the correct status?
The EMVO has published a Letter of Announcement on using the correct status when decommissioning pharmaceutical products…
GDP Guidelines : Training to ensure everyone is compliant
It is essential that the whole team understands what those guidelines are and why it is so important to work in them.
Clinical Trials: How is a vaccine approved?
How is a vaccine approved? The clinical trials process is a thorough one.
Export Training
With the ever-changing climate around us, there is a lot of information to take in.