Superintendent Pharmacists

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Blog, Superintendent Pharmacists

Pharmacy Consulting Ltd (PCL) deals with a wide range of pharmacies operating different models from NHS Community Pharmacy to NHS Distance Selling Pharmacies (DSP) to pharmacies with private On-line Doctors. Additionally, we have experience in the development and operation of Hub & Spoke pharmacies.

Many of these pharmacies are excellent offering very high professional standards.

The majority of pharmacies fall within a safe and professional middleground.

Sometimes pharmacy operations can fall short of the required standards. In some cases, PCL are working with leading pharmacy lawyers to support those pharmacies to raise the standards to meet those of the profession, whether driven by GPhC inspection or NHSE audit.

In these cases, PCL will audit the pharmacy and create action plans to help the Superintendent Pharmacist and pharmacy team improve standards. We will advise on both GPhC standards and requirements within the NHS Terms of service. Advice offered is independent and confidential.

But why not take some steps to improve the standards in your pharmacy, yourself, before it becomes a problem.

Not sure how?

If you are already a Superintendent Pharmacist or would like to take on the role as part of your own personal development, why not join one of our Superintendent Pharmacist training courses. Build your confidence in your current Superintendent Pharmacist role or place yourself in a good position to take on your next career step as a Superintendent Pharmacist.

The training is suitable for existing Superintendent pharmacists, pharmacy managers and locums whether you are in the independent community pharmacy sector or working within the multiple pharmacy sector.

Our current training course includes participation in topical discussions to see how pharmacy will change as a result of consultations are currently taking place on:

  • the ‘Standards for Pharmacy Professionals’ by the GPhC (ending 27/6/16)
  • and with the Department of Health on hub and spoke operation and other changes to The Human Medicines (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2016 (ending 17/5/16) which are planned to come into force 1st October 2016.

For more details, visit the PCL training pages at

Written by Michael Spruzs


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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