As the government and community pharmacy industry now have a “letter of intent” in regards to the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement it is time for the other health professions to take their shot. Whilst we are continually hearing the pressure that doctors, nurses and health care providers are under surely then the move to move some services to a pharmacy level would be welcomed.
Not the case.
The Australian Medical Association have noted that pharmacists “… are not doctors. And they shouldn’t try to be.”
The nurses’ union are also upset that pharmacists are undertaking additional training to take on roles of other health professionals. i.e. nursing and wound care
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia have since responded noting that pharmacies are highly regarded worldwide as a cost-effective source of care within the health-care system. They also note that using pharmacist skills will allow them to target any gaps within health care especially in rural and remote areas.
Again, personally, I’m not sure why health professionals can’t work together and provide a broader level of care. I guess sometimes the professions forget about the most important group in the equation; the patients.
Will they ever get along? Or is this just protecting the patch?