What are “IPEDS”? What are “SARMS” Why are people taking them?

by | Jan 6, 2020 | Blog

“IPEDS” are  Image and Performance Enhancing Drug and SARMS are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.

Andranine developed in the 1990s was found to have a remarkable effect on muscle growth. Bodybuilders were switching from anabolic steroids to Andranine as they thought there were less side effects. Professor JT Dalton went into partnership with a pharmaceutical company to develop a class of medicines called “ SARMS”  Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. Andranine was the first and then Ostarine. Both of these failed to get regulatory approval  for the legal supply chain. However these products have been used by many people in the athletic community.

These medicines are unlicensed and do have side effects. Care should be taken when sourcing products online as claims such as “ Safer alternative to Steroids” are made and are designed to entice the vulnerable. SARMS do have side effects including but not limited to the following

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Attacks
  • Liver Damage
  • Atrophy of Testicles
  • Hair Loss
  • Skin Rashes
  • Sight disturbances

These products are available online, however, they are not being supplied legally and although the Food Standards Agency has said that SARMS are “ Novel Foods” however they have not authorised any for sale. Professor Dalton is now serving on the scientific advisory board at the Partnership for Clean Competition, helping to detect the use of SARMS in professional sports. Be careful when buying products one line!


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