Face to Face Bona Fides Checks

What is the risk of not meeting you suppliers and customers face to face? Call me old fashioned but I like to know who I am dealing with. I like to see the white of their eye, their premises, their procedures. With Valentine’s Day, fast approaching sweethearts are...

Recent examples of counterfeit

It was only last month that at the FDA issued a warning not to purchase Diazepam online due to the potential that the drugs may be counterfeit.  There are two issues at the heart of this blog: 1 being the prevalence of counterfeit medication and the second being the...

Fitness to practice….consider your referees!

The GPhC consider a pharmacy professional fit to practice when they can demonstrate the skills, knowledge, character and health required to do their job safely and effectively. They describe fitness to practice as a person’s suitability to be on the register without...

Before you REACH for your CHIPS get the SDS

In a recent case a supplier of biologically active products for clinical trials was reported to the HSE for not supplying Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to their client. Under the CHIP or Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002, suppliers...