by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Dec 1, 2016 | Blog, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, Humidity
Whilst the EU GDP Guidelines do not specify exactly what humidity controls should be in place, the general answer received by the regulatory bodies is check the product requirements. As a point that is being brought up more frequently in inspections it is such a...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Nov 29, 2016 | Blog, GDP/RP, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, Training
Recently I was asked to audit a pharma warehouse where nearly all the staff had undergone a ‘comprehensive’ online GDP Training course. I asked to see the notes provided and yes, it was rather comprehensive and filled with useful information. The certificates...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Aug 10, 2015 | Behind the scenes, Blog, Business, EudraGMDP, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, MHRA, RP, SOPs, WDA(H), WDA(H)
News of the UK move to fund a pilot scheme for some 300 pharmacists to be directly employed by GP surgeries has made it to the Australian community pharmacy press. The idea to help manage long-term conditions and provide ongoing advice to patients using multiple...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Aug 10, 2015 | Behind the scenes, Blog, Business, Community Pharmacy, Distance Selling Pharmacy, EudraGMDP, Falsified Medicines, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, MHRA, RP, SOPs, WDA(H), WDA(H)
It was only last month that at the FDA issued a warning not to purchase Diazepam online due to the potential that the drugs may be counterfeit. There are two issues at the heart of this blog: 1 being the prevalence of counterfeit medication and the second being the...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Jul 19, 2015 | Analyisis, Behind the scenes, Blog, Falsified Medicines, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, MHRA, Pharmacy Suppliers, Regulation, RP, WDA(H), WDA(H)
In May, the FDA in conjunction with international law enforcements agencies enforced a major crackdown on illegal and crackdown medications with action taken against 1,050 websites. Seized products were found to have originated in India, China, Hong Kong and...
by Ryan Watts | Jul 1, 2015 | Analyisis, Behind the scenes, Blog, Business, Distance Selling Pharmacy, EudraGMDP, External Audit, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, GPhC, MHRA, Pharmacy Suppliers, Quality Systems, Regulation, SOPs, Transportation
In a recent case a supplier of biologically active products for clinical trials was reported to the HSE for not supplying Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to their client. Under the CHIP or Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002, suppliers...