by John Finey | Jun 4, 2015 | Behind the scenes, Blog, Business, Consultancy, EudraGMDP, GDP/RP, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, Licence Acquisition, MHRA, pharmacy business development, Pharmacy Suppliers, Quality Systems, Regulation, Training, WDA(H), WDA(H)
For pretty much the whole of the last six months the team at PCL have been trying to make headway with certain issues thrown up by the EU Guidelines on GDP for Medicinal Products for Human Use (5th Nov 2013). On face value it is hugely helpful that there are common...
by Ryan Watts | Jun 2, 2015 | Blog, Bona Fides, Business, Consultancy, Falsified Medicines, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, MHRA, Pharmacy Suppliers, Quality Systems, Regulation, RP, SOPs, Training, Uncategorized, WDA(H), WDA(H)
In the developing countries, poor healthcare infrastructure and a high demand for medicines has led to a proliferation of criminal gangs specialising in the counterfeiting of drugs. In the UK there have been several incidents of falsified medicines entering the NHS...
by Ryan Watts | May 26, 2015 | Blog, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, Licence Acquisition, MHRA, Regulation, RP, WDA(H)
You have just been informed by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) that they will be suspending your Wholesale Dealers Authorisation (WDA). You are in a panic as you realise you have to cease all trading immediately. Other implications...
by Ryan Watts | Feb 16, 2015 | MHRA
Over the years there have been a number of warnings issued by the MHRA that inform organisations to be alert to callers impersonating their staff (the latest of these being the 1th February, 2015). Although these warnings are specific to the impersonation of MHRA...
by John Finey | Jan 20, 2015 | MHRA
One of the biggest frustrations when working with any of the regulatory bodies are all of the ‘grey areas’. Seek guidance from them and the usual response is that the “law or regulation states this, we understand that your circumstance doesn’t fit into this...
by Ryan Watts | Jan 20, 2015 | MHRA
On the 8th January, 2015 the MHRA issued a press release relating to the closing down of websites that are offering falsified and unlicensed medicines. As Contract RPs, we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients do not, inadvertently, purchase or supply falsified...