Online Pharmacy/Internet Pharmacy/Distance Selling Pharmacy

by | Mar 6, 2014 | Distance Selling Pharmacy

Internet Pharmacy seems to be the buzz!

Online Pharmacy, Internet Pharmacy, Distance Selling Pharmacy; all common terms in pharmacy in the UK and so very popular right now.  Under current NHS England regulations, the Distance Selling contract remains an exempt application and as such I am constantly taking calls from applicants interested in applying.

So you’ve made a decision to apply for a NHS Distance Selling Contract but do you understand what is involved?

Do you have someone to build your website? How much will it cost?

How will you be getting business in and building it?

The internet is a wonderful place but it is full of competition and I can assure you bigger companies have bigger budgets to increase SEO and to drive sales.  They also probably have better buying power.  So how are you going to compete?

How will your business model work and pay for itself? And can you afford to give away your full-time position to run a start-up?

This article and these questions are not intended to discourage young entrepreneurs or to stop people from applying.  I am writing this hoping that you the reader think more about what it is you’re applying for, how you’ll make it work and what steps need to be taken for you to get a successful application.  As a consultant, I’m here to help and guide you on your way, to advise when you need assistance and to help you do what needs to be done.  It always brightens my day when I receive a call from someone who has done their research, who understands the nuances of the model and has a clear path to success.  This is also what I believe NHS England are looking for also.

The reason I write this today is to hopefully guide applicants to broadly consider all the inputs necessary for application.  The decision making committees are not simply approving applications and they want to see an applicant who has engaged with the regulations and who understands the model.

It is imperative that you understand the Essential Services required to be delivered as a contractor.  Do you?

Whilst applications do not require the submission of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), many applicants are being requested to provide SOPs. Have you prepared SOPs? Have you considered how the pharmacy will be run? Or how you will deliver the Essential Services?

There is a level of engagement that is expected and unfortunately many applications are being submitted without this.

So … do you need hep with your application? a conversation to get you on your way? a GAP analysis of your current vision? or perhaps a review of your application? We can help.

Being involved with contract applications is a learning process for all.  Therefore, I’d love to hear from you.

I can be contacted on  01252 302342 or [email protected].  I’d be glad to listen and help.


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