
Time for some Self-Assessment

Time for some Self-Assessment

No, it’s not tax return time but now that most of us have been able to take a break over the ‘summer(!?)’, this is a good opportunity to reflect on what we need to be better at.

Brief reflections on a Licence Based Inspection

Brief reflections on a Licence Based Inspection

Phew…..that was exhausting!!! I know that is a usual comment after an inspection but this was a two day (and two inspectors, a lead inspector plus a trainee) under the new Licence Based Inspection process.

DH allows 100-hour pharmacies to reduce opening hours

DH allows 100-hour pharmacies to reduce opening hours

The Department of Health and Social Care has decided upon some regulatory changes which will allow 100-hour pharmacies to reduce their opening ours by more than a quarter. This decision has not been rolled out to all pharmacy contractors i.e., ones with fewer contracted hours.

MHRA inspection process

MHRA inspection process

At the recent MHRA GDP Symposium held in February the inspectorate announced a change to the MHRA inspection process.