by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Sep 11, 2017 | Pharmacist
The huge fuss over a high street pharmacy charging nearly £30s for a morning after pill, when the medicine can be bought for under £6 pounds. What professional provides a fifteen to twenty-minute consultation for less? If you go to an optician even with a voucher it...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Sep 11, 2017 | NHS, Pharmacist
Never has the time been better for pharmacy to take on more responsibility to help relieve the pressure on the NHS! So why is it not happening We have no voice? Well actually we do have they are the public and more recently the research showing that the pharmacy led...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Sep 11, 2017 | Community Pharmacy, CQC, GPhC, pharmacy business development, Regulation
Have you started to provide this years’ Flu Vaccination service can you say you compliant? Do you know what CPSIVAS and NHSCB are? The amended directions were signed on the 29th of August 2017 by Jannette Howe, head of Pharmacy at the Department of health. Did you...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Aug 31, 2017 | Blog, Pharmacist, Superintendent Pharmacists
If you wholesale you will be familiar with the MHRA, asking you for the contract with your alarm company and asking you how often the alarm is tested. How you prevent unauthorised access into your warehouse. Why does GPhC not ask similar questions about your Pharmacy?...
by Jackie (née Heneghan) Peck | Aug 31, 2017 | Blog, CQC
Pharmacy is exempt, I here you say, well in the past we were, but as we start to develop new services this is often not the case. If a pharmacy starts to provide services such as “Treatment of disease and disorder or injury “as defined in schedule 1 of the Health and...